Emanuele Cardi

Biography Emanuele Cardi

Emanuele Cardi
Emanuele Cardi
received the Diploma in Organ and Composition with highest honors at the Conservatory F. Morlacchi in Perugia as a student of Wijnand van de Pol. Soon thereafter he attained the Postgraduate Diploma level with highest honors, including the additional concentrated studies of choral music, choral conducting, piano and harpsichord. Since 1996 he has been the Titular Organist of St. Maria della Speranza in Battipaglia (Salerno), at the Ghilardi organ (1996), one of the most famous in the international contemporary organ world, and the Carli Organ (2004). He is also the Director of the Homonymous Chapel Choir.

Interested in the restoration of ancient organs, Mr. Cardi has been studying 16th and 17th century Neapolitan organ building and music for many years. He has written several articles for music and industry journals, participated in conferences and served as a consultant in the restoration of historical organs and the building of new ones. He was recently appointed consultant for the restoration of the RAI Auditorium’s Great Tamburini Organ in Naples, as well as for the construction of the new Mascioni organ in Cavaille-Coll style for the Saints Cosmas and Damian church in Vairano (Caserta).

As an organist, Emanuele has concertized in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, England, Ireland, Norway, Holland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, Russia, the United States, Brazil and Uruguay, giving recitals on some of the most famous European organs, as well as at St. Thomas in NewYork City and at the cathedrals of Passau, Freiburg, Lausanne, London, Brussels, Turku, Lund, and San Francisco.

A guest professor for summer courses and master classes on Renaissance and Baroque organ music, and a frequently a jury member for international organ competitions, he has performed in the major concert halls of Russia, including concerts with the philharmonic orchestras of St. Petersburg, Ufa, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo and Irkutsk.

Mr. Cardi has also played several inaugural concerts, among them being in celebration of the restoration of the great Organ at the Redemptorists’ Church in Belfast and the Aeolian-Skinner organ of the First Unitarian Church in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Professor at the Conservatory “A. Corelli” in Messina, Emanuele records regularly for “La Bottega Discantica” and the British company “Priory Records.”

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