Henry Lawes: Ayres La Rêveuse
Album info
Label: Mirare
Genre: Classical
Subgenre: Chamber Music
Artist: La Rêveuse
Composer: Henry Lawes (1595-1662)
Album including Album cover Booklet (PDF)
- Henry Lawes (1595-1662): Ayres
- 1 Have you e'er seen the morning sun? 01:44
- 2 Slide soft you silver floods 03:48
- 3 Bid me but live, and I will live 02:18
- 4 Divisions on a ground 05:31
- 5 Prelude 01:50
- 6 I rise and grieve 06:40
- 7 Or you, or I, nature did wrong 02:09
- 8 Neither sights, nor tears, nor mourning 01:37
- 9 Almain - Corant 1 - Corant 2 for two lutes 04:03
- 10 Wither are all her false oaths blown? 03:02
- 11 I'm sick of love 03:05
- 12 No more shall meads be deck'd with flowers 05:02
- 13 Tregian's ground 04:49
- 14 When thou, poor excommunicate 03:11
- 15 Sleep soft, you cold clay cinders 03:39
- 16 Out upon it, I have lov'd 01:20
- 17 Courant 01:30
- 18 Cloches de Mr Gaultier 01:48
- 19 Sweet stay awhile, why do you rise? 03:16
- 20 O tell me love ! O tell me fate ! 02:05
- 21 Division on John come kiss me now 02:04
- 22 Wert thou yet fairer than thou art 02:35
- 23 Why so pale and wan, fond lover? 02:08
Info for Henry Lawes: Ayres
Den Hörer erwartet hier 'Musik aus der Zeit Charles I. und von Cromwell' so ist es auf diesem Album zu lesen. Es sind zwei ganz unterschiedliche Zeiten, eine Blütezeit der Kultur unter dem Stuart-König und eher amusisch unter dem Puritaner Cromwell. Beide Phasen hat er erlebt: Henry Lawes, einer der wichtigen Komponisten im England der ausgehenden Renaissance und des frühen Barock.
Ayres und Instrumentalstücke von ihm hat nun das Ensemble La Rêveuse um den Tenor Jeffrey Thompson vorgelegt. Kunstvolle Musik aus einer Zeit, in der England neben Italien die führende Musiknation Europas war - besonders was die Gesangskunst anging. Und diese Airs, diese Lieder mal nicht von einem Countertenor sondern einem Tenor interpretiert zu hören, ist möglicherweise näher dran an der originalen Intention, als umgekehrt.
Jeffrey Thompson gelingt es mit seiner Ausdeutung der Texte und seiner angenehmen ungekünstelten Singstimme, diesen kleinen Liedern große Lebendigkeit zu verleihen. Dazu kommen die exzellenten Musiker von La Rêveuse, die auch instrumental mit Stilempfinden und großem handwerklichen Können auf den alten Instrumenten zu überzeugen vermögen. Ein schönes Streiflicht auf eine künstlerisch und politisch eher unruhige Zeit in England.
“A pleasing mix of songs… Throughout the accompaniments are lively and imaginative, with added and delightful instruments interludes between verses… He (the singer) sings with impressive control and affecting intensity, particularly is Lawes’ setting of John Donne’s ‘Sweet stay awhile’, which is beautifully performed. The instrumental pieces are excellently performed” (Early Music Review)
La Rêveuse:
Jeffrey Thompson, tenor
Florence Bolton, treble and bass viol
Bertrand Cuiller, harpsichord
Benjamin Perrot, lute, theorbo et baroque guitar
La Rêveuse:
Founded by Benjamin Perrot and Florence Bolton, La Rêveuse is an ensemble of solo musicians which aims to bring back to life selected works of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, that effervescent age so rich in artistic experiments and inventions of all kinds. By favouring an approach founded on eloquence, mastery of colour and a rich continuo sound the musicians of La Rêveuse wish to convey to audiences the rhetorical, spiritual and poetic substance of these repertories.
La Rêveuse has attracted favourable attention with its concerts in France (notably at Les Concerts Parisiens, La Folle Journée de Nantes, Fontevraud Abbey, Pontoise, the Radio-France Montpellier Festival, and Lanvellec), and also appears abroad, at such events as the Cambridge Summer Festival, the Organizatie Oude Muziek season in the Netherlands, La Folle Journée in Japan, the French Cultural Centre in Cairo, and in Switzerland, the USA, and Canada. The group also works regularly in co-production with Benjamin Lazar's company Le Théâtre de l'Incrédule, notably on L'Autre Monde ou Les Estats & Empires de la Lune by Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac, which enjoyed great success at the Théâtre de l'Athénée in Paris in April 2008 and has toured widely since then, notably to the Théâtre de Caen and ThéâtreNational Populaire de Villeurbanne.
The ensemble's recordings (Locke/Purcell, K617 2006; Purcell, Mirare 2008; Buxtehude/Reinken, Mirare 2009; Élisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, Mirare 2010, Sébastien de Brossard, Mirare 2011) have all been acclaimed by the French and international press.
In 2011, La Rêveuse created a new stage show, Les Mille et une nuits, a dramatic adaptation by Louise Moaty and Bertrand Cuiller of Antoine Galland's early eighteenth-century translation of The Arabian Nights; the group also provided the musical sequences for a new production of Molière's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, directed by Catherine Hiegel with François Morel in the role of M. Jourdain (CADO Orléans / Théâtre de la Porte St Martin Paris / nationwide tour in 2012-13).
In 2012, after a concert tour of the USA and Canada with the tenor Jeffrey Thompson, La Rêveuse premiered its new production, Concerto Luminoso, in collaboration with the visual artist Vincent Vergone (Compagnie Le Praxinoscope), at Noirlac Abbey. This production is already scheduled for many performances in other venues.
La Rêveuse receives support from the DRAC Centre - Ministère de la Culture and the Région Centre. It is a member of FEVIS (Fédération des Ensembles Vocaux et Instrumentaux Spécialisés).
Booklet for Henry Lawes: Ayres