Vivaldi: Sacro Furore - Stabat Mater, Nisi Dominus, Concerti Carlo Vistoli, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin & Georg Kallweit
Gabriel Jackson: The Christmas Story The Choir of Merton College, Oxford, Oxford Contemporary Sinfonia & The Girl Choir & Benjamin Nicholas
Stradella: Un angelo del Paradiso - The Orrigoni Songbook Silvia Frigato, Ensemble Mare Nostrum & Andrea De Carlo
The Path Of A Tear (LIVE at The Village Studios, Los Angeles, 7 June 2024) (LIVE at The Village Studios, Los Angeles, 7 June 2024) Jo Harrop
Changing Choral Chameleon, Vince Peterson, Molly Rabuffo, Matthew Robbins, Nathan Koci, Richard Berg, Hee Sung Kim and Keith Sisterhemn
The Christmas Album Benjamin Appl, Regensburger Domspatzen, Münchner Rundfunkorchester & Florian Helgath
Matthew Martin: Masses, Canticles, Motets Matthew Martin, The Choir of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
Lucrezia (Portraits of a Woman) Sandrine Piau, Amel Brahim-Djelloul, Karine Deshayes, Lucile Richardot, Les Paladins & Jérôme Corréas
The Experts: The Bach & Silbermann Dynasties Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas, Ensemble les Surprises, Marc Mauillon
THAT SWEET CITY: Leighton – Veris Gratia Op.6, Vaughan Williams – An Oxford Elegy Choir of The Queens College, Oxford & Owen Rees