„Der meint‘es treu!“: Music for Fortepiano & Winds from the Biedermeier Salon Anders Muskens, Elia Celegato, Florencia Gómez
Charpentier: Les Arts Florissants, H. 487 Dallas Bach Society, New York Baroque Dance Company, James Richman
Brett Dean: In spe contra spem, Viola & Cello Concertos and Orchestral Works (Live) London Philharmonic Orchestra
Tippett: Piano Concerto & Symphony No. 2 (Live) London Philharmonic Orchestra, Steven Osborne & Edward Gardner
A Lullaby Carol: Christmas at Christ Church Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Steven Grahl & Benjamin Sheen
Beethoven Symphony No. 5 & 6 (version for symphonic winds) Salzburg Wind Philharmonic & Hansjörg Angerer
Hasse: Serpentes ignei in deserto Philippe Jaroussky, Julia Lezhneva, Jakub Józef Orliński, Bruno de Sá, Carlo Vistoli, David Hansen, Les Accents & Thibault Noally
Mendelssohn, Bach, Mozart (The Royal Academy of Music Bicentenary Series) Jasmin Iris Ghera & Junyan Chen
Bill & Friends William Christie, Gwendoline Blondeel, Juliette Mey, Théotime Langlois de Swarte, Emmanuel Resche-Caserta, Myriam Rignol, Thomas Dunford, Justin Taylor
Strauss: Don Quixote - Ibert: Le Chevalier errant Amihai Grosz, Jian Wang, Orchestre National de Lyon & Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider
Steinberg: Symphony No. 3 - Shostakovich: The Bolt, Suite from the Ballet Ural Youth Symphony Orchestra and Dmitry Filatov
Joseph Chabanceau de La Barre: Pour être heureux en amour Claire Lefilliâtre, Luc Bertin-Hugault, Les Épopées & Stéphane Fuget
Messe pour double chœur (Œuvres a cappella de Frank Martin, Willy Burkhard et Cyrill Schürch) Schweizer Jugendchor