14-37 Brazilian music for solo guitar Daniel Murray
Album Info
Album Veröffentlichung:
Das Album enthält Albumcover Booklet (PDF)
- 1 Naqueles velhos tempos 02:41
- 2 Olha Maria 04:24
- 3 Tenebroso 04:16
- 4 Prelúdio 04:13
- 5 Grauna 03:17
- 6 Perto do Coração 04:19
- 7 Lapinha 05:24
- 8 Valsa Brasileira 03:11
- 9 Estudo 4 04:13
- 10 Jongo 05:11
- 11 Canção e Dança 06:56
- 12 Poeta 02:30
- 13 Noturno Leopoldina 03:11
- 14 Pro Chico improvisar 03:20
- 15 Infância 05:22
Info zu 14-37 Brazilian music for solo guitar
Auf seinem neuen Album „14-37“ stellt der in Sao Paulo lebende Gitarrist Daniel Murray die Musik vor, die ihn in den Lebensjahren zwischen 14 und 37 am meisten geprägt hat. Ausschließlich brasilianische Kompositionen, fernab jeglicher Klischees, gespielt mit beeindruckender rhythmischer Sicherheit und Virtuosität. Dabei stoßen wir u. a. auf Werke von Baden Powell, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Guinga, Antônio Carlos Jobim oder Paulo Bellinati. Hinzu kommen zwei Eigenkompositionen, die dieses beeindruckende und hochmusikalische Album abrunden und zeigen, dass Murray seinen musikalischen Gründervätern auch kompositorisch in nichts nachsteht.
Mit mitreißender Spielfreude beleuchtet Murray, der schon im Alter von 15 Jahren bei internationalen Gitarrenwettbewerben ausgezeichnet wurde, sämtliche Facetten und die ganze Komplexität der brasilianischen Musik und besticht dabei gleichermaßen durch Virtuosität und rhythmische Präzision, Sensibilität und Kraft. Von der gefühlvollen Ballade über Choro bis hin zu treibenden Samba-Rhythmen versteht er es, die Musik seines Heimatlandes authentisch zu interpretieren und reizt scheinbar mühelos alle Möglichkeiten dieser Art des Gitarrespielens aus. Ein beeindruckendes musikalisches „Zwischenfazit“, das keine Fragen offen und uns trotzdem noch viel von dem sympathischen Virtuosen erwarten lässt.
Daniel Murray, Akustische Gitarre
Daniel Murray
Born in 1981, he began his musical studies when he was 6. Encouraged by guitarist José Murray, at the age of 13 he began to dedicate more intensely to the study of the guitar, having classes with Floriano Rosalino, Celso Brescia (at Cia das Cordas), Edelton Gloeden, Paulo Porto Alegre... Since then, he has given concerts as a soloist and chamber musician in places like Centro Cultural São Paulo, the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, MASP (São Paulo Museum of Art)...
At 15, he finished second at the “Concours Internacional de Guitarre de Trédrez-Locquemeau” (France), and studied with Alberto Ponce for one month at La Coûme in the Pyrenees. Since then, he has studied lute with Silvana Scarinci and Carin Zwiling.
At 17, he entered FASM-Faculdade Santa Marcelina to study contemporary music with professors Silvio Ferraz and Flo Menezes, going on to post-graduate studies in musical analysis with Menezes.
In 2001, he began to study composition with João Carlos Assis Brasil.
In 2002, he formed a Duo with Paulo Porto Alegre, his professor, dedicated to modern and avant-garde repertoire for two guitars.
In June, 2003, he presented a solo recital in Nantes-France of Brazilian popular and contemporary music, including some of his own compositions. He participated as a scholar in the XXXIV Festival of Campos do Jordão-SP, Brazil. In August, he played at Festival Música Nova, and in September and October in France, in Lannion and Paris (the Brazilian Embassy and “Maison de l'Amérique Latine”).
In 2004, he participated in the creation of the “Me Gusta Neruda” dance-theater show together with clarinetist Gustavo Barbosa Lima and ballet dancers Juan Castiglioni and Marisa Magalhães, as performed an player and composer. He played in the Cenapoética project with French poet Yvon Le Men in numerous places in São Paulo and at the “Festival Étonnants Romantiques” in Combourg, France. He played in Paris during the “Fête de la Musique” (Brazilian Embassy). He participated in the BIMESP-Bienal de Música Eletroacústica de São Paulo (Biennial of Electro-Acoustic Music of São Paulo).
He currently teaches classical guitar at Cia das Cordas. He is playing with Trio Opus 12, a guitar trio, with Paulo Porto Alegre and Edelton Gloeden, and plays regularly with Paulo Bellinati and Israel de Almeida. He is guest guitarist for Núcleo Hespérides - Música das Américas, a group composed of Andréa Kaiser, Antonio Ribeiro, Rosana Civile, José Antonio Soares, Paulo Porto Alegre, Joaquim de Abreu, Rogério Wolf, Heloisa Petri, José Augusto Mannis and Celso Delneri. He has played with them at Sala São Paulo, as well as many other venues.
Booklet für 14-37 Brazilian music for solo guitar