Running With The Dogs (Deluxe) The Treatment
Album Info
Album Veröffentlichung:
Das Album enthält Albumcover
- 1 I Bleed Rock + Roll 03:03
- 2 Drop Like A Stone 03:03
- 3 Get The Party On 04:14
- 4 Running With The Dogs 03:48
- 5 Intro/ The Outlaw 03:50
- 6 Emergency 04:06
- 7 She's Too Much 03:20
- 8 Cloud Across The Sun 03:59
- 9 Don't Look Down 03:59
- 10 World On Fire 03:01
- 11 What Is There To Say? 03:24
- 12 Unchain My World 03:47
- 13 Don't Get Mad Get Evil 03:51
- 14 Way Of The World 03:38
- 15 The Seeker 03:16
- 16 She Does It Right 03:21
- 17 No Matter What 03:11
- 18 In My Chair 03:05
- 19 Running With The Dogs (Acoustic) 03:15
- 20 I Bleed Rock + Roll (Acoustic) 02:51
Info zu Running With The Dogs (Deluxe)
Das noch sehr junge Jahr 2014 wartet bereits mit einem Classic Rock Highlight der Extraklasse auf: Running With the Dogs ist das zweite Studioalbum der Band aus Cambridge / UK, die als wahre Jungspunde (die jüngsten Mitglieder waren zum Zeitpunkt der Bandgründung gerade mal zarte 15 Jahre alt) bereits auf zahlreichen Tourneen mit Größen wie Motörhead, Kiss, Mötley Crüe, Alice Cooper, Steel Panther oder zuletzt Airbourne für Furore sorgten. Nun haben The Treament sich ins Zeug gelegt, die Früchte ihrer Live-Erfahrungen zu ernten und hauen mit ihrem zweiten Studioalbum den ersten Release seit ihrer 5-Track EP Then & Again, die Coversongs aus den 70er Jahren enthielt und die im Januar 2013 via Spinefarm veröffentlich wurde. Then & Again verneigte sich mit einer erlesenen Songauswahl stilvoll vor den Wurzeln der Band, lies aber keine Rückschlüsse darauf zu, wie sie auf Album Nummer 2 klingen würde. Werden sie den begonnenen Weg fortführen, oder abbiegen und einen radikalen Neuanfang wagen? Nun, die 13 Tracks von Running With the Dogs klingen so, als hätte die Band das Auto, dass sie mit ihrem Debutalbum gebaut haben mit einem kraftvollerem Motor, breiteren Reifen und einem enorm lauten Auspuff ausgestattet hätte. Als Werkstatt dienten erneut Iron-Maiden-Mastermind Steve Harris‘ Barnyard Studios, am Sound schraubten wie gewohnt Produzent Laurie Mansworth und Mixer Tony Newton. Schon der Opener "I Bleed Rock’n’Roll", dessen Videoclip zum Start der Tour mit Airbourne präsentiert wurde, ist mehr als ein Einstieg in das Album, sondern darf ruhig als Statement angesehen werden. Das heißt aber nicht, dass die Scheibe von Anfang bis Ende voll auf die Zwölf röhrt, finden sich doch zum Beispiel abgehangenere Tracks wie “Cloud Across The Sun“ und “Unchain My World“, die gewaltigen Rockern wie The Outlaw (feat. Hank Williamson von The BossHoss), Don’t Look Down und “Drop Like A Stone“ gegenüberstehen und für Ausgewogenheit sorgen. Rechtzeitig zur ersten Headline-Tour durch Europa erscheint vorab auch noch die erste Single Emergency, ein Mid-Tempo-Stampfer mit einem treibenden Riff der die Bandbreite von Running With the Dogs perfekt vereint und die Fans mitreißen wird. Kurzum: The Treatment 2014 ist die Therapie, die der Rock’n’Roll Doktor verschrieben hat.
Matt Jones, Gesang
Ben Brookland, Gitarre
Tagore Grey, Gitarre
Dhani Mansworth, Schlagzeug
Rick Newman, Bass
The Treatment
AT A TIME when so much rock music is defined according to a specific genre or sub-genre, it's refreshing for a new band to come along who are both happy and proud to be called simply ‘rock'... and when that band are still enjoying their teenage years, then the project becomes very exciting indeed: classic sounds filtered through young hearts an' minds.
A five-strong outfit based in the Cambridge area of the UK, The Treatment are indeed tender in years, but you'd never guess that from the quality of their song-writing or the confident swagger of their live show. It's only really the exuber-ance and in-built energy of their playing that gives the game away, adding a fresh-faced twist to some deeply classic grooves.
Combining the drive of early Def Leppard with the song-writing ability of prime UFO and Thin Lizzy, the whole thing underpinned by the sort of low-slung riffing redolent of early Aerosmith or G n' R, The Treatment are unashamedly inspired by an era when rock bands looked like rock bands and were generally intent on causing a stir (both onstage and off); an era when the lifestyle was important, when music was everything and when vinyl was king.
Already the five have a strong selection of material to their name, with 12-track debut album ‘This Might Hurt' sounding more like a ‘Greatest Hits' package than a debut recording; produced by experienced musician Laurie Mansworth (guitarist/songwriter with UK melodic rockers Airrace and with a new album of his own just out) and mixed by Tony Newton at Iron Maiden guitarist Steve Harris' Barnyard Studios, it's clear that these guys are hugely proud of their home-grown roots, with anthem-in-the-making ‘Nothing To Lose But Our Minds' tapping into the work of such quintessentially UK outfits as Mott The Hoople.
From the unbridled power-rush of ‘Departed', through statement track ‘The Doctor', onto out‘n'out rock juggernauts like ‘Lady Of The Night', ‘Shake The Mountain' and first single/video ‘Drink, F**k, Fight', The Treatment show they have the hunger and the drive to be an essential part of The Great Rock Revival; at a time when the genre is looking for true champions to slay the pop dragon and take the movement boldly into the future, The Treatment have the talent and the charisma to mark their mark worldwide. Being so young, they also have the time, but there's no hint of resting on laurels here.
Not only are The Treatment the real deal, they're 100 per cent fired up and ready to roll, having already put in a number of years of noses-to-the-grindstone dues-payin'. Since 2008, when 15-year-old schoolboy drummer Dhani Mansworth (son of Laurie) decided to put a band together, inspired by the all-time greats of the genre (AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, etc.) and working under the wing of his father and manager Laurie (More, Airrace, Roadstar), the search was on to find fellow rock-headed, leather-wrapped musicians old an' wise beyond their years.
Unable to source players of the required standard, however, this search was soon extended to more far-flung parts of the country, and bit by bit the line-up began to take shape. First to join was lead guitarist Ben Brookland, then bassist Rick Newman (aka Swoggle), then rhythm guitarist Tagore Grey... but it was the crucial position of front-man that proved the hardest to fill, and it was a full six months before vocalist Matt Jones was (finally) discovered in Norwich.
Dieses Album enthält kein Booklet